Saturday 20 October 2018

More Boxes

My humans are still clearing all the stuffs out of my living room so that they can start putting paint on the walls on Monday, so I have been very happy exploring all the boxes from the inside and then having a sniff at all the things that are normally up on my walls, so that has made me happy.

I managed to get outside a couple of times but I got a wee bit wet so I didn't stay out too long and of course I had to get cuddled dry when I comed home. There was a big surprise for me in this afternoon when my friend S. comed to my house to see me and my MH and she cuddled me and stroked me lots which was just brilliant. She thought all my bare walls were funny but me and the Boss explained what we were doing and she was quite happy and said she will come back when my walls are a different colour. And we did think that I might be the same colour as my walls if I am not careful!

I might not be able to write to you for a little while if the old dear is being busy but when I do come back I will show you my new walls and I know you will like that.

1 comment:

  1. While i will miss you, there is the excitement of seeing your new wall colour. Wishing your MH and DH happy painting, and sending you all love (with special hugs for you, darling Squeak). Michelle In Wellington,
