Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Not Much News
… but I have had a good day. It has been a quiet day and the weather has been good enough to let me get out to play whenever I felt like it. My DH went away to the Cat Shop and my MH finished clearing out the spare room which meant that I could get to sniff corners I didn't even know we had! Hee hee
That was the good fun that I liked the best but it was also good fun when I sat with my MH on my couch and she told me what they would be doing tomorrow and if I tell you that it involves paint pots and brushes, you can maybe guess.
I am not overly happy about that 'cos it means that there is just no time for me but I have been promised that it is all nearly finished although I did see the old boy arriving home tonight with a new tin of white shiny type paint, so I am not totally sure that the Boss is telling me the truth!
I shall find out and let you know!
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Just when I thought it was safe to go into our study! There's a nice comfy couch in there and a couple of swivel chairs that I like to sit on, so I thought that I might do that this afternoon and I wandered gaily into the room for a comfortable seat and guess what I found? STUFF! Millions and millions of stuff from out of the spare room and no room for little old me. Oh dear.
I decided to go and find my MH who was sitting on my couch and she told me that although it was an a bit of a mess just now, it would soon be all back to normal again once they had painted the room on Thursday but I have been promised a quiet, cuddle filled day tomorrow. Yippee!
That does help a wee bit to cover up all the inconvenience---- just a wee bit. Sigh!
Monday, 29 October 2018
And A Normal Monday
I am liking this normal and I am hoping it lasts for a long time but I did notice the Boss hovering beside the paint brushes again so I know it is not all finished yet, but I have been promised lots of cuddle time when it is all over and I cannot wait!
We all got up quite early and me and my MH sat together on my couch while the old boy got ready to go to the Cat Shop again. Between you and me, my dear friends, I think he was glad to get off the island for a rest! Me and my MH did some housework and I kept nipping in and out to see what was happening in the outside world and then sort of demanding a wee cuddle when I comed back in again.
I just love my cuddles and fortunately there are plenty of them lying about my house and I just need to find one which is really easy 'cos my MH loves these cuddles every bit as much as me.
Sunday, 28 October 2018
A Normal Sunday
Yippee! No painting and no cleaning and no tidying up, just a normal Sunday in my house with my humans having a big rest and sharing all their time with me except for a little while when they had to go out, but it was such a lovely day that I was out playing till they comed home so I didn't mind at all.
The sun was shining for a long time and there was no wind so it was just a perfect day for me to be out exploring and playing and just lying there enjoying myself. Lovely!
I don't have very much news for you because I haven't been doing very much except just waiting for my humans to finish all their work and although they are finished for just now, my MH told me that are going to do another room later on in the week when my DH has finished in the Cat Shop, so I am not very happy about that, but she has promised that the paint pots are all going away after that, so I shall suffer in silence.
But I shall demand lots of attention when it is all finally finished.
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Nearly Finished
My humans are still working hard painting the walls of all the rooms in my house but my MH told me the work is nearly all finished and I for one am very happy about that.
My living room is all finished and back to normal again and so is my bedroom so I can get a good night’s sleep tonight. As well as suffering from all the upset, I was abandoned last night ‘cos my humans put on their scary clothes again and went away to a Halloween party and I couldn’t go which was a shame ‘cos my MH was a witch and I should have been with her as her trusty puss cat, sure I should?
I am hoping that there will be lots of time for me tomorrow ‘cos the Boss has told me that they are not doing any work, so I think I might be in luck.
I will let you know.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Just a wee message....
.... to let you know I am fine. I haven’t been too happy ‘cos my humans have been painting my living room and the whole house has been in a ginormous mess with hardly any room for me! Sigh.
I must admit to having a wee sulk every now and then but my MH always came to find me and tell me everything was ok, although I was not totally convinced, but tonight it is. Phew.
We are nearly finished and just need to put everything back where I like it, but I have just been told that my bedroom is going to be painted on Thursday, but I will be happy in my living room so maybe I won’t be a sulky Squeak.
On the other paw...... Hee hee
Saturday, 20 October 2018
More Boxes
My humans are still clearing all the stuffs out of my living room so that they can start putting paint on the walls on Monday, so I have been very happy exploring all the boxes from the inside and then having a sniff at all the things that are normally up on my walls, so that has made me happy.
I managed to get outside a couple of times but I got a wee bit wet so I didn't stay out too long and of course I had to get cuddled dry when I comed home. There was a big surprise for me in this afternoon when my friend S. comed to my house to see me and my MH and she cuddled me and stroked me lots which was just brilliant. She thought all my bare walls were funny but me and the Boss explained what we were doing and she was quite happy and said she will come back when my walls are a different colour. And we did think that I might be the same colour as my walls if I am not careful!
I might not be able to write to you for a little while if the old dear is being busy but when I do come back I will show you my new walls and I know you will like that.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Oh Dear
Remember I told you yesterday that my days were just normal and that I liked normal? Well, things changed a lot today and for a while I was a wee bit very worried till my MH told me what was happening. And I am sure you will be interested to know what is going on in my house, so I shall tell you.

You know that a couple of weeks ago we had workmens in my house doing things that I don't understand? Well, my MH told me that now they want to paint all the walls so today they were taking down the pictures and putting away all the ornaments and things so although I was a wee bit worried, I was also a wee bit very happy 'cos there were lots of boxes for me to jump in and out of and you know how happy that makes me, sure you do?
I am OK now 'cos I know everything is fine and my humans are just making my house look nicer so that is fine. I was a wee bit frightened that we were going away someplace else 'cos I just love my little island and all my sheeps and cows friends and when I told this to my MH, she told me that she loves my little island as well and will never leave it, so I am a very happy little Squeak.
AND---I have just been told that there will be more boxes for me to play in tomorrow. Yippee!
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Just More of the Same
My days are just normal just now and sort of just the same every day with lots of snoozes, lots of cuddles from my MH and some wee trips outside into my garden and the fields but that makes me happy 'cos I like being just normal.
So, that's what today has been for me. Just a very fine, normal day. I didn't get up very early 'cos I was a wee bit tired, but when I did, I just wandered outside for a while and played with the sheeps till it was time to come back and get my little drop of milk and a wee cuddle. Brilliant.
My humans were a wee bit very busy 'cos they are going to start painting the walls of my living room and all the ornaments have to be put in boxes and put away somewhere so there will be lots of things for me to sniff and lots of boxes for me to explore, but I shall need to be very careful that I don't get packed away somewhere.
I am a wee bit anxious 'cos I'm not sure what my house is going to be like next week and I am hoping that there will be time for me, but I am sure there will be.
Sure there will?
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
A Quieter Day
I have had a much quieter day today. It was quite cold and wet on my little island and a wee bit windy too and my DH had a wee sore tummy so he stayed with me and my MH, but then she had to go away on the boat so I had to look after him, which I did. Purr-fectly!
The Boss had to go to Stromness for a wee while so she left me in charge of my house so I just lay down on my couch and watched that everything was ok until she comed home to me again, and then after I had got lots of cuddles and some dinner, I had a big long snooze on her knee.
It is very hard work looking after a house!
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
More Fun
I have had a very good day. The weather hasn't been all that brilliant so I have just had a couple of little trips outside to see the sheeps, but it was quite windy so I comed back in rather quickly, and it was when I was inside hat I had the bestest of fun with my MH.
She was doing some more housework and I thought that I would be left on my own while she was busy, but she asked me if I wanted to go with her to clean the room where me and my friend B. stayed on Saturday and I had a great time jumping on top of the bed and pretend fighting with the old dear while she cuddled me and tickled my adorable little tummy and I just loved it so much. It was magic.
After that, I went to help the old boy who was cleaning out one of the other rooms and I was able to sniff things I had never sniffed before, so I have been a very happy little puss indeed and I hope you have been happy too.
Monday, 15 October 2018
Just Normal
.… but normal is good, sure it is? I had a very good sleep last night all cuddled up beside my MH and we both snored all through the night although she did have to get up at about three o'clock in this morning and as I was up anyway, I thought I might just nip outside for a wee while, but she said 'no' again. That's two times she has said 'no' to me in my en-tire life!
Anyway, once I had forgived her, I went back to bed and snuggled up beside her and I liked it lots. So, when we got up--- at the right time-- my DH went away to the Cat Shop and me and my MH did all the housework but there were lots of cuddles for me as usual which was very fine indeed.
It has been a good day on my little island so I have been outside lots of times and I have had good fun but the bestest bit was knowing that my humans would be in my house whenever I went home again.
And that's all I need.
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Happy Again
My humans are back home to me tonight, so I am a very happy Squeak. Now, although I did miss them yesterday and last night and today, I was a wee bit very happy when I saw my friend B. coming in my house to stay with me and to make sure I was OK. And we were very OK together.
The only thing that is different is that my MH wasn't with me to cuddle me to sleep so I had to try very hard and sleep all by myself. I managed it, but I didn't like it, so I am very looking forward to bedtime tonight!
I made all the humans in my house laugh tonight when my two comed home and my friend B.'s mummy comed to take her home 'cos I kept cuddling into B. and didn't want her to go so my MH has decided that either I have to go and live with B. or she has to come and live with me and so far we haven't decided which one it is to be. I shall think on it tonight.
My humans had a brilliant night out and thoroughly enjoyed the concert but they are both very happy to be back home with me. So that makes three of us!!
PS If today's picture looks a wee bit blurred, it is just because I was moving faster than the speed of sound. OK?
Friday, 12 October 2018
Wet, Wet, Wet
It has been a wet day on my little island today so I have only had a few very short trips outside, but that has been ok ‘cos my humans were having a lazy day without very much housework so there was lots of time for me and that made me happy.
My MH says I am a ‘sooky’ puss just now because every time she sits down, I plonk my adorable little self on her knee and cuddle up as close as I can possibly get and then she strokes my little head and my lugs and I purr till I fall asleep. It is just brilliant!
I got a surprise in this afternoon when my friend B. comed to my house and then I was a wee bit sad when my MH told me why. My humans are going away to leave me tomorrow but it is just for one night and B. will be here with me so it’s not too bad. They are going to a concert in Kirkwall and can’t get home till Sunday so that’s ok and me and B. will have brilliant fun.
I won’t be able to write to you tomorrow but I should be back to normal on Sunday.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
A String Day
I know that might come as a surprise to everybody 'cos it is quite a while since I have had a play with the string off our messages box, but today was the day to do it again and I liked it lots.
You know my humans have been a wee bit very busy this past wee while and although there was lots of time for cuddles and little plays, there was no time for playing with the string but as soon as my DH arrived back from the pier with our groceries, I sat very patiently watching him untie the string and then I asked him to please play a little while. And he did! Although I say it myself, I think I have made an excellent job of training these two humans. They are almost perfect---just a little rough round the edges still, but we are getting there! Oh, please don't tell them I said that or it is Squeak soup this weekend!
I had a very good afternoon but the weather has been quite poor with lots of rain so I have been inside most of the time just cuddled up beside my MH every time she sat down, but I think the rain has gone off now, so I might head outside before bedtime for a little fresh air.
I do like my nocturnal outings.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
An Even Better Day
Well, the weather wasn't just good today, it was brilliant. Warm and sunny and not a breeze in sight so I was just the happiest little Squeak in the entire world!
I did my usual and rushed outside even before I had eaten my breakfast and I sat in the grass and just watched all the sheeps and felt my little lugs getting warm in the sun and I just purred with contentment. I stayed out for quite a while and then went back inside just in time to get my little drop of milk from my MH and it was only then that my adorable little tummy told me it was empty and would I please feed it, so I had some breakfast and then had another rest on top of my bed and I was still purring with happiness which made my MH smile. My DH would have smiled too, but he was at the Cat Shop and couldn't hear me. Hee hee
The rest of my day was very good too with little trips in and out of my house and then cuddles and snoozes when I comed back in again. I was left on my own for a little while in this afternoon when my MH went out with her friends to do crafty things but to be honest, I had runned about outside so much that I was glad of a wee rest.
And now that I am well and truly rested, I shall probably head outside again later on in tonight. I shall tell you tomorrow.
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Still Happy
My days just keep getting better. I have a good day and then the next day I have an even gooder one. So I am happy. As soon as I open my adorable little eyes in the morning time, I tell my (equally adorable) little lugs to listen for three things: one is the rain, two is the wind and three is the workmens and after they had done all that listening, my little lugs told me there was no rain and no wind and no workmens so I was very happy indeed and jumped out of my little bed, gobbled up some breakfast and headed outside into the fields that I love. Magic!
I stayed out for a long time and then when I went home, I was just in time to help my MH to make the beds and we had our usual great fun. I rolled on my bed and my MH tickled me and I just loved that but the very bestest bit was still to come.
My DH had to put some stuffs away into our loft which is high up, so he needed a ladder and when he had just comed down the nice farmer man from next door comed to see us so my DH had to leave the ladder under the open hatch while they were all talking and can you guess what I did? Yep, I climbed up the ladder but I was still too little to get up into my roof so I was a wee bit very disappointed. Sad sigh!
Maybe I will try again the next time.
Monday, 8 October 2018
Normal Again
That's what me and my humans and my house are. All back to normal again and I am liking it lots. I am sleeping lots again 'cos my house is quiet with all the work stopped so I can wander where I like and sleep where I like. Can't ask for more, can I?
My DH was away back to the Cat Shop as usual so it was just me and my MH in my house and she was doing lots of housework but as usual she had plenty of time for me and we had cuddle times as often as I needed them and I decided I needed lots of cuddles so that was good. I am liking being back to normal.
We had a couple of visitors into my house so there were cuddles from other peoples too who think I am just adorable so I have had a very good day indeed. The weather wasn't bad either and it was dry and warm so I had lots of trips outside and some little chats to the sheeps who are in the field in front of my house.
My humans were inside my house but they were watching me through the window and they smiled when I did my usual jump through the fence and landed with a plop in the field and then a while later I did it the other way round and plopped into my garden and when I saw them watching me, I jumped up onto the window sill and went into my living room beside them and we all had some time together which we all loved.
So, everything has been normal and normal is very good indeed.
Saturday, 6 October 2018
Super Saturday
Oh my dear friends, I have had a crackin’ day and I have been a very happy Squeak indeed. I wakened up quite early and just listened for a while but there was no rain and no wind so I knew I was going to be able to get outside lots of times and you know how much I love being outside.
So, when it was finally time to get up, I gobbled up my breakfast and headed outside as soon as I was finished. And it was just magic! I was able to wander round the fields very slowly just watching and sniffing and I didn’t need to worry about getting blowed away or shrinking when the rain poured down on me, so I was a very happy little Squeak.
Even when I went home, I was still very happy ‘cos my house is right back to normal again with no noise and no workmens banging and drilling so there was peace and quiet when I needed to snooze.
So my day could not have been any better and I hope you have had a good day too.
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Getting Gooder
I have had a lovely day. A very lovely day indeed and I am a very happy little Squeak. The weather wasn't too bad so I was able to get out to play just whenever I wanted and then when I decided to go home again, both my humans were waiting for me with millions of cuddles which you know I just love. So it couldn't get much better, could it?
Both of my humans have been very busy making my house all clean again after all the workmens made it just a wee bit very dusty but we are nearly finished and my MH has promised me that as soon as it is all sparkling again, then her every waking minutes will be for me so I am looking forward to being more spoiled than usual.
But I am worth it, am I not?
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Nearly Back to Normal
I am a much happier Squeak tonight 'cos my house is right back to the way I like it. All the workmens have gone away to work in some other house and my DH went over to Stromness in this afternoon so it was just me and my MH in my house and it was so lovely and quiet. We were both very happy.
She had some cleaning up to do so she was a bit very busy and I did my very bestest to give her a special cuddle and lots of purrs and that helped her lots. But then we got a big surprise when my friend S. comed to my house to see how we were getting on and we had a lovely time together. I liked it lots.
There's not very much news just now except that the weather was so much better with the wind blowing some place else and I have been able to get out to play lots of times and then when I nip back home, everything is just lovely and normal again. Both my humans have told me that I was a very good and very brave puss when all the noise and banging and stuff was happening and they are very proud of me. And they love me MILLIONS.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
A MUCH Better Day
... well, inside my house anyway. It has been so very windy outside that I have only been able to get outside one time, but my adorable little lugs are telling me that the wind isn't shouting at me just so much now, so maybe I will get outside later on.
But inside my house is so much better although there was one man comed in this morning. I think he was a electric man 'cos he worked with all the switches and things so there wasn't too much banging and hammering, but now he is away and my house is all lovely and quiet again with just me and my humans and my MH told me that if everything is working like it should then there shouldn't be any more mens coming to work. Yippee!
I asked my MH to take a wee picture of the two hot things in my living room and so she did so now you can see what has been happening. She didn't take one of all the mess 'cos there was no place for her to stand!
I hope it is all right 'cos we all need to be warm, especially with that naughty wind blowing outside.
Monday, 1 October 2018
A Wee Bit Better
It has still been very noisy in my house but it is getting a little bit better now so I am happy. The mens are still here but if everything works tonight then they will be all finished and that will be very good.
There was more drilling and banging and then two more mens comed into my house so it has been very busy indeed and my poor old MH is a wee bit very tired tonight so me and her are going to go to our little bed very early and we will have a very good sleep.
Maybe there will be pictures tomorrow for you. I will see what I can do.
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