Sunday 17 February 2019

A Super Duper Sunday

Oh my dear friends I am a ever so happy little Squeak because my life is all normal again and my house is back to being just how I like it and where I know where everything is. Yes, I am happy.

My Sunday has been a very good day indeed and I got a couple of lovely surprises which made me purr very loudly indeed and it made my humans smile a lot. The first surprise was when my friend S. comed to see me and my newly decorated kitchen and she loved both----but me bestest of all! We had a long chat and then I asked to be let out and that's when I got my next surprise 'cos one of my sheep friends comed right up to my fence to speak to me and my dear old MH just happened to have her camera at the ready to catch these pictures for you.

Isn't that just the cutest thing you have seen?

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