Thursday 28 February 2019

More of the same...

...but I like it being the same. We were all at home together today and while me and my MH did the housework my DH was busy working on the cabinet he is making and what a noise he made with his hammering and drilling. It nearly gave me and my MH a sore head, but it soon stopped and the Boss likes what he has done so that is good news.

The weather outside was quite good too but it was a wee bit cool for this adorable little puss so I had lots of short visits to my garden and of course I had to go into the field to have a chat to some of my sheep friends. I do like that lots especially when we can rub noses through the fence. That always makes my MH smile.

So, that was my day really. It was a good day but there isn't a lot of news that I can tell you except that I am to be abandoned tomorrow as my humans are going to Kirkwall to do some shopping. I am hoping that the weather will be good enough for my MH to leave the window open for me.

But we will just have to wait and see.

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