Sunday 27 January 2019

Confused Puss

Sometimes I just do not understand my humans at all and this weekend has been one of those times. Remember I told you that last weekend some of friends comed to my house and tooked away our Rayburn stove and my MH was ok with that? Well, our kitchen is now a wee bit different but the week was just a normal one until yesterday when my DH started pulling all the paper off the bathroom walls.

I was sleeping on my couch and my MH was in her wee gym but when I heard a noise in my bathroom I decided to wander in and see what the old boy was doing and oh, my dear friends, when I saw the state of the place, I nearly fainted clean away! It was full of little bits of paper that one were earlier on the wall and the walls had no paper on them any more. My first thought was what the Boss was going to say and my second thought was what was she going to do to my DH!

I must say I was a bit worried when I heard her coming back inside my house but I followed her into the bathroom and was flabbergasted to see her smiling and telling him he had done a good job. Well, my flabber has never been so gasted but as usual the old dear explained it all to me.

She told me that she knows when I am worried or upset 'cos I put on a sad face and that makes her unhappy too so it seems that they have decided to put new wallpaper on my bathroom and my kitchen so all the old stuff has to come off first and that was the old boy's job. Phew!

I might need to lie down in a darkened room soon. Hee hee

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