Tuesday 8 January 2019


What a wind that was yesterday and yesterday night! It was awful. Nearly the worsest wind I have ever seen and my poor old MH was very frightened 'cos she could see our living room windows were shaking like they have never shaked before. I did feel sorry for the old dear and I decided to go outside and ask the naughty wind to go away please.

I thought this might have helped but I am afraid it only maked her more worried 'cos she was frightened that something would happen to me. But it didn't and I was very ok. She did have to shout very loudly to get me in 'cos the wind was screaming so much I couldn't hear anything. But then she stucked her head outside and I scooted inside as quickly as possible. And then I got my cuddle!

I'm afraid I did this three or four times before I went to bed and my poor old MH was getting very worried but then the wind got a wee bit quieter and she was happy again. And so was me! I don't like it very much when it is roaring at me but sometimes I just have to go outside and last night was one of those nights.

Today has been better and when my humans went outside to have a look to see what the wind did, they were happy 'cos there was no damage so we were lucky again I am very pleased to say.

The old dear is going to Kirkwall tomorrow with her friend and my DH is going to the cat shop so yours truly will be all alone in my house but I shall just rest until my humans come back home to me and then it will be cuddle and play time.


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