Wednesday 23 May 2018

More Fun

We are having lots of good weather just now which means that I can be outside as much as I want and there are lots of little animals for me to talk to when I do go out and that makes me very happy. I am a little puss who likes lots of company and there is always lots of company for me on my little island.

My DH went away to the Cat Shop as usual and me and my MH had a seat and a chat together before I went out to play and she did a wee drop of housework then she comed out to find me and we played in my garden for a while.

In the afternoon we both went outside again and I helped her to do some weeding. We had good fun and sometimes my adorable little nose was so near the weed that it nearly got pulled up as well! But it didn't. I told you before that my MH has good reflexes, didn't I?

So, I have had another very good day and right now I am not on my MH's knee like I usually am. Instead I am all curled up inside my wee hoose and I will stay there till I need to go outside again before bedtime.

I have my little life all planned out----well, for this evening anyway! Hee hee

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