Monday, 14 May 2018

What a Day!

I have been traumatised! I can hardly bring myself to talk about it, but since I know you will be desperate to hear all about my day, I shall force myself to relive it all again. Sigh.

It all started off so well 'cos when me and my MH wakened up early in this morning, the sun was shining, it wasn't raining and there was no wind. Perfect Squeak weather, so I disappeared outside as soon as my breakfast was safely inside my adorable little tummy. I had lots of good fun just lying on my path and soaking up the sunshine. It was lovely. I did get a little bit concerned when my MH told me to go back into my house 'cos she usually lets me stay out as long as I want. I soon found out what was going on!

A little while later the VET man arrived with his needles and potions and he headed straight for me, but since the Boss had shut all the doors, there was no escape for a defenceless little puss. Oh, my dear friends, I am trembling even as I am thinking about it again. He was friendly though and said I was beautiful so that helped a little bit and with my MH holding me tight, I wasn't too frightened while he looked at my teeths---he said I had a lovely smile hee hee--- and then put his stethoscope thingy on my adorable little chest and he said my little heart was going boom boom boom just like it should, so we were all very happy.

That was not to last 'cos the next thing I saw was a ginormous needle heading my way and without as much as a by your leave the VET man stucked it right into me. I didn't make a sound but my MH did wonder why I was looking at my tummy and between you and me I was looking to see if the needle was coming out the other side! It didn't by the way and I was perfectly fine afterwards, but I did put on my sad face for a long time to milk as much sympathy as possible! Oh I am naughty, am I not?

The rest of my day went very well and I played outside with my MH for a long time. I even climbed the clothes poles when she was hanging up her washing and that made her smile. This picture was taken by my MH at five o'clock in this morning when we had to get up to go to the toilet. The lights looked so lovely she thought you might like to see them.

I hope you like them.

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