Saturday 19 May 2018

A Super Day

As soon as my adorable little eyes were open in this morning, I ran to the window to see what my little weather man friend had sended me and I was happy when I saw it was sunny and calm but I didn’t know just how good my day would be.

After we all had our breakfast my humans decided to paint the outside of the gym and my MH asked my friend B. to come and help ‘cos she is taller than them and can reach the bits they can’t and so she came to my house and made a big fuss of me which I just loved. We were outside for a long time and I played in my garden while all the humans were painting and that was really good fun.

They got on so well that they managed to paint the outside of our greenhouse too so my humans are very happy. There is just a little bit of work to do tomorrow if my weather man friend sends more good weather and we all hope so. While my DH was finishing off, me and my MH and B. comed into my house to watch the wedding on the television and we all had a wee chat which was lovely.

And to finish off a very good day, my DH’s football team won and he was very happy indeed. So we have all had a very good day and hopefully it will be good again tomorrow.

I really hope so.

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