Wednesday 4 April 2018


Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen? This is me sitting at one of my very favouritist places. The other one is still on my MH's knee but without the laptop. My DH tooked this last night just as the old dear was finishing all the stuff she had to do and yours truly was having a lovely snooze.

Me and my MH have had a very good day today and as usual, the old boy was away to the Cat Shop. It was a lovely day on my little island and I have been out playing lots and lots and one of the times I was out, I noticed that there were some new birdies back here for their summer holidays. I like that 'cos I like listening to them.

My friend M. comed to my house today with some parcels for my MH and we had a wee chat. I will tell you something that will shock you. He doesn't really like cats! Shock, horror! He thinks I am OK though but he doesn't make a fuss of me even though I try to be my most adorable for him. Sigh I shall keep working on him.

So, although I don't have a lot of news I have had a very good day and I am beginning to feel that maybe summer isn't too far way and that makes me a very happy little pussy cat---as well as an adorable one!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your summer is closer than ours. It snowed today. Aslan was not pleased. It confuses him.
