Monday 16 April 2018

More Fog Stuff

It has been another day like yesterday --- misty one minute and then a wee bit clearer the next. The mist never really went away, it just got a wee bit thinner and then thicker again so it has been a grey day on my little island. But it didn't keep me in--not one little bit.

I headed outside as soon as I got up and had a wee wander round my garden but I couldn't see if there were any more baby sheeps. In fact, I couldn't even see the sheeps that WERE there, so I just wandered back in again and sat with my MH till it was time for the old boy to go away to the Cat Shop.

Sometimes I sit on my window sill and watch the boat as it sails into Stromness but I couldn't see the sea, so I just sat with my MH till it was time for her to chase her vacuum cleaner all over my house. I spent some of my day having a snooze and just waiting for my MH to come and find me to give me a wee cuddle. She always does that 'cos she knows how much I like it.

It is still misty so I will sit here on the old dear's knee until I feel like going outside again but I won't go too far away in case I can't find my way back again.

Can you imagine what a tragedy that would be?

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