Sunday 29 April 2018

Sunny Sunday..

... with just a few hailstones thrown in for good measure! Oh, we do get some funny weather here. However, it did not upset my Sunday plans and I have had a very good day indeed.

We all watched the football in this afternoon and my DH was very pleased when the team that he likes winned the match and I was pleased for him, so that made us all happy. The sun was shining and it was quite warm so yours truly wandered about outside for a while and that was good fun. The old dear came out with me a few times and we had a chat about all the new ornaments that are in my garden.

I had a long time outside last night just before bedtime and this time I wasn't frightened by all the lights 'cos I knew what they were so I played for a long time until I started to feel a bit sleepy and went home to snuggle up beside the old dear for a very good night's sleep.

I don't have a lot of news for you except to tell you that I am very happy and that I am thoroughly enjoying the Spring time on my little island.

I hope you are happy too.

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