Monday 30 April 2018

More Fun

It has been another brilliant day on my little island and I have had lots of fun. I went straight outside after my breakfast and just lay on my path and soaked up the sunshine while I listened to the birdies. There was a curlew outside my gate and it was making a lovely sound. I like the curlews and the oyster catchers but they are a wee bit noisy for my liking.

I stayed outside for a long time and said bye bye to my DH from the path then I watched as he went away down the road to the pier. I decided to stay out 'cos I knew it was houseworking day but it turned out quite fine as the old dear left the door open and I could watch what she was doing and I could hear her talking to me so that made me happy.

Every time I heard the vacuum cleaner stopping I wandered into my house for a wee chat and a cuddle and sometimes my MH came outside to find me and we both went and fed the birdies and then I lay on my path again and watched them all coming for their dinner. There are lots of birdies who come to us for a feed and I am such a good puss that I never frighten them away.

But you knew that already, didn't you?

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