Friday 9 November 2018

All Done!!

At last, the painting is all finished! All done. No more and I am happy--- VERY happy. Me and my MH were up first this morning and as soon as she had finished her breakfast and I had drinked up all the milk that she left me, we went and found the paint brushes and the white shiny paint and she put some of this on all the wood in our study room and I have to admit that it does look a whole lot nicer now.

I wasn't too upset at this 'cos I could sit on one of the chairs and watch her and when she knew I was there, she talked to me which cheered me up a lot. It didn't take too long to do all the paintingand soon all the work was finished and I watched very happily as she put the lid on the paint tin and put her brush away.

It was time then for my DH to start tidying everything away and put all the stuff back in the room that should have been in the room and I just wandered around my house purring and smiling inside me 'cos I was a very happy pussycat.

There is still a wee bit of work to be done just putting everything back in its right place but that is Ok 'cos I can help with that and then the rest of the time will be for me. Yahoo!

It has been very windy today so I haven't been outside very much but I shall have to find my intrepidness---if it hasn't been painted on!--- and head out into the gale before bedtime. But I think it will be for just a very little while 'cos I do not like the wind.

Big Sigh!

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