Monday 26 November 2018

And another week begins

Just another normal day in the life of this adorable little puss. Me and my DH were up first and he let me out to play while he was getting ready to go to the Cat Shop. It was a glorious day although a wee bit cool but it was bright and dry and there was no wind, so I just sat on my path and thinked a lot and I liked it.

Once my thinking was all finished, I nipped back into my house just in time to waken up my MH who gived me a big 'good morning' cuddle and then we both got organised to see what this Monday would bring us. I had a wee bite of breakfast and then went out again 'cos there were some birdies in my garden and I wanted to say hello to them and then when I went in for the second time my little drop of milk was waiting for me and as I was drinking that, the old boy said bye bye and went away on the boat and me and the old dear had a seat and a chat about what she needed to do and I just purred in support. She likes that.

And so it was just a normal Monday with my MH doing her housework and me having lots of snoozes as well as a few trips outside into the fields to see what was happening and then she did some of her cards while I sat on the back of my couch and watched her.

It was a very good day indeed.

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