Wednesday 28 November 2018

Oh Dear...

... my little weather man friend was very right last night when he said we were going to have a huge big wind because we did and it was not nice at all. I haven't been outside all day, but the good news is that the wind is going away some place else and I will probably get out before bedtime. I do hope so 'cos I need the fresh air and I want to see what is happening on my little island.

My DH didn't go to the Cat Shop 'cos the boat wasn't sure if it could bring him home again and he didn't want to go away and leave me and my MH all alone so he just stayed here with us and we all had a good day. I played with my MH and had lots of little naps and my humans did wee bits of work and looked after me so it was a fine day---inside my house, anyway!

You will probably have worked out that I don't have any news for you but I am doing fine and right now I am all cuddled up on my chair on top of my MH's fleece and I am as cosy as toast and very happy indeed.

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