Monday 27 August 2018

Magic Monday

I have had a very good day. A very good day indeed. The weather was very fine and I was able to go straight out to play as soon as I wakened 'cos I had been up through the night in the dark time and had a wee feed so I wasn't very hungry.

It was quite warm and there was no rain or wind so I was a very happy little puss indeed. I wandered all through the fields and did lots of looking and sniffing and I even managed to hide from the pesky swallows who still come to my garden to annoy me. Sigh.

However, I had a good time and wandered back into my house just in time to get my wee drop of milk then I decided to have a snooze while my MH ran all over my house with the vacuum cleaner. I have worked out that the best place for this little puss on a Monday morning is on one of my many sleeping places in case I get dusted or even worse--I might get sooked into the vacuum cleaner. Ouch!

The rest of my day was just much of the same with lots of little sleeps and lots of big plays outside and my day just got better and better. I loved being outside and every time I felt a wee bit lonely I just went home and collected one of my many cuddles.

So, you can see how I have been just the happiest little puss in the entire universe today. And my paws are crossed for more of the same tomorrow.

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